Using Staninside



Stan is a powerful language and using R (and specifically rstan) as glue to allow R users to easily interface existing models. Sometimes a user might wish to use a different backend (CmdStanR) or examine and modify the written Stan code directly. This package seeks to allow users the ability to:

  • Build R packages that are not pre-compiled by rstan
  • Allow users to use CmdStanR in their R packages
  • Allow users to easily see the Stan code within packages

Building a Stan Package

Package Infrastructure

If a package developer were to build a package with stanside, they first could create the package directory in the usual ways.

Next, to build the appropriate structure the author could call


This function will create the following directory tree:

├── inst
│   ├── stan
│   │   ├── base.stan
│   │   ├── data
│   │   ├── functions
│   │   ├── parameters

This provides the user with a structure to use when building their Stan programs. For complicated programs, it is sometimes useful to break up the Stan code blocks into separate files stored in sub-directories. These separate .stan files can then be accessed within the Stan code with the following syntax:

# include functions/my_functions.stan

Model Fitting

Generally speaking, there will be some function in an R package that will fit the data to a model. In order to faciliate this fitting with a CmdStanR backend, a process like that below could be used.

fit_my_data <- function(my_data){
    local_location <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname = "my_package")

    if (length(list.files(local_location, pattern = ".stan")) > 1) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Using cached Stan models")
        "Use `intervalcalc::clear_cache` if you need to refresh")
    } else {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Copying Stan models to cache")
        cli::cli_alert_success("Models copied!")
    model_file_path <- file.path(local_location, paste0("base", ".stan"))
        mod <- cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(model_file_path)
   fit <- mod$sample(data = my_data)