Gathering QWI Data Over Several Years for Multiple States


Sometimes one may want to collect data from multiple states over multiple years. To do this we recommend loading the following libraries:

library (tidyverse)

Then we can create the different combinations of year and state in order to submit to tidyqwi.

year <- c("2008", "2009", "2010","2011")
state <- c("01","02","04","05","06","08","09","10","11","12",

argList <- list(x = state, y = year)

arguments <- cross_df(argList)

Using the multiple processing function we can submit the following:


qwi_data <- map2(arguments$x, arguments$y, ~
                    states = .x,
                    years  = .y ,
                    industry_level = "2",
                    all_groups = FALSE,
                    endpoint = "se",
                    geography = "cbsa",
                    processing = "multiprocess",
                    apikey = APIkey))

After this function returns out values we can collapse these data into a single data set.

qwi_data <- purrr::map_dfr(qwi_data, as_tibble)

And then add the labels for our variables if desired.

qwi_data <- add_qwi_labels(qwi_data)